Organization, Policy, Requirement, and Principle


  1. person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives.
    ~ ISO 14017:2022, Environmental management — Requirements with guidance for verification and validation of water statements
  2. group of people and facilities with an arrangement of responsibilities, authorities, and relationships
    ~ ISO/IEC 33001:2015, Information technology — Process assessment — Concepts and terminology
  3. company, firm, enterprise, association or other legal entity, whether incorporated or not, or public body
    ~ ISO 10845-1:2020, Construction procurement — Part 1: Processes, methods and procedures


  1. intentions and direction of an organization as formally expressed by its top management.
    ~ ISO 14298:2021, Graphic technology — Management of security printing processes
  2. set of rules related to a particular purpose
    Note 1 to entry: A rule can be expressed as an obligation, an authorization, a permission or a prohibition.
    ~ ISO/TS 21089:2018, Health informatics — Trusted end-to-end information flows
  3. clear and measurable statement of preferred direction and behavior to condition the decisions made within an organization
    ~ ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2019, Systems and software engineering — Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)


  1. provision that conveys criteria to be fulfilled
    ~ ISO/IEC 11404:2007, Information technology — General-Purpose Datatypes (GPD)
  2. need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
    ~ ISO 20468-1:2018, Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 1: General
  3. need or expectation, stated or generally implied, whose fulfillment is obligatory
    ~ SO 17566:2011, Space systems — General test documentation
  4. statement which translates or expresses a need and its associated constraints and conditions
    ~ ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2023, Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes


  1. fundamental truth, proposition or assumption that serves as foundation for a set of beliefs or behaviours or for a chain of reasoning.
    ~ ISO 37000:2021, Governance of organizations — Guidance
  2. fundamental, primary assumption and quality which constitutes a source of action determining particular objectives or results
    Note 1 to entry: A principle is usually enforced by rules that affect its boundaries.
    Note 2 to entry: A principle is usually supported through one or more rules.
    Note 3 to entry: A principle is usually part of a set of principles which together form a unified whole.
    EXAMPLE:Within a jurisdictional domain, examples of a set of principles include a charter, a constitution, etc.
    ~ ISO/IEC 15944-17:2024, Information technology — Business operational view — Part 17: Fundamental principles and rules governing Privacy-by-Design (PbD) requirements in an EDI and collaboration space context


  1. degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.
    Note 1 to entry: The term “quality” can be used with adjectives such as poor, good, or excellent.
    Note 2 to entry: “Inherent”, as opposed to “assigned”, means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic.
    ~ ISO 19101-1:2014: Geographic information — Reference model — Part 1: Fundamentals


  1. grounds for justified confidence that a claim has been or will be achieved
    ~ ISO/IEC TR 15443-1:2012, Information technology — Security techniques — Security assurance framework — Part 1: Introduction and concepts
  2. planned and systematic activities implemented, and demonstrated as needed, to provide adequate confidence that an entity fulfils its requirements
    ~ ISO 10795:2019, Space systems — Programme management and quality — Vocabulary


  1. logical structure for classifying and organizing complex information
    ~ ISO/TS 19150-1:2012, Geographic information — Ontology — Part 1: Framework
  2. particular set of beliefs, or ideas referred to in order to describe a scenario or solve a problem
    ~ ISO 15638-20:2020, Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) — Part 20: Weigh-in-motion monitoring
  3. structure of processes and specifications designed to support the accomplishment of a specific task
    ~ ISO/IEC 21823-1:2019, Internet of things (IoT) — Interoperability for internet of things systems — Part 1: Framework
  4. documented set of guidelines to create a common understanding of the ways of working
    ~ ISO 37500:2014, Guidance on outsourcing
  5. description of a system at a high organizational or conceptual level that provides neutral ground upon which a community of stakeholders can discuss issues and concerns related to a large, complex system
    ~ ISO/IEC TR 15067-3-8:2020, Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) application model — Part 3-8: GridWise transactive energy framework


  1. set of interrelated parts of any complex thing, and the relationships between them
    ~ ISO 10303-235:2019, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 235: Application protocol: Engineering properties and materials information
  2. combination of a set of elements, a set of functions, and sets of tuples for each relation
    ~ ISO 18629-1:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration — Process specification language — Part 1: Overview and basic principles
  3. organization of relations among objects of a system describing constituency relations (consist-of/is-a-part-of)
    ~ ISO 81346-12:2018, Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 12: Construction works and building services


  1. conceptual structure of a system
    Note 1 to entry: A system may consist of several interacting subsystems, each with its own architecture.
    ~ ISO/IEC TR 29108:2013, Information technology — Terminology for intelligent homes
  2. conceptual structure of systems that are to communicate with each other
    ~ ISO/IEC TR 15044:2000, Information technology — Terminology for the Home Electronic System (HES)
  3. structure and means by which components and devices of a system are connected to intercommunication
    ~ ISO 16484-2:2004, Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 2: Hardware
  4. representation of the structure of the item or element that allows identification of building blocks, their boundaries and interfaces, and includes the allocation of requirements to these building blocks
    ~ ISO 26262-1:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 1: Vocabulary