The problem of the CISSP Exam in Simplified Chinese

Many CISSP exam candidates in Taiwan received an email from ISC2 today that the linear CISSP exam is not available in simplified Chinese until further notice due to irregularities in candidates’ results. Their exam appointments are either canceled or rescheduled. I’m unsure if it is a system malfunction or an exam irregularity problem. Suppose it’s an exam irregularity in the simplified Chinese exam. In that case, I’m glad to see the mitigation actions, as ISC2 has been doing a great job maintaining the integrity of the CISSP exam.

However, I hope ISC2 can make simplified Chinese available in Taiwan soon after the investigation. People in Taiwan use traditional Chinese daily and feel more comfortable with simplified Chinese than English. Taking English exams is more challenging for most Taiwanese than doing Simplified Chinese ones.

Taiwan and China are two independent countries. If something goes wrong in China, I hope treatments applied to Taiwan can be considered separately.

All is well!

Positive thinking is not a gift but a skill one must learn. Given an expression X – Y, one may see the minus symbol only or ignore that the varialble Y can be negative. If we can treat it as X + (-Y), consider everything is a “plus” operation, and focus on the truth, life would be much better.