Bruce Passed ISACA CRISC Exam on 13th August


To pass the CRISC exam, I spent around 50 hours in 3 weeks (from 2018/07/24 to 2018/08/13) studying the following materials:

Candidates have 4 hours to complete the 150-question exam; It takes me 3 hours to nail it, 2 hours for answering questions and 1 hour for review.

The risk management discipline is still evolving and it takes time to get yourself acquainted with the terminologies used in CRISC. There are even some conflicts or inconsistencies between risk management methodologies.

Just follow the official CRISC review manual and questions from ISACA. It would be the most efficient way to pass this exam.

2 thoughts on “Bruce Passed ISACA CRISC Exam on 13th August

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