The Flip Side of Your User Story Card

User Story

User stories are usually written down with index cards for further conversation and confirmation. Odds are we feel quite comfortable with the typical user story format evolved over time at Connextra as the following:

As a [type of user]
I want to [do something]
So that I can [get some benefit]

With this simple template, we can start off conversation for details and define acceptance criteria for confirmation. It’s about time to write the acceptance criteria onto the flip side of your user story card.

When describing the acceptance criteria, using Gherkin syntax as follows is beneficial both to the user and developer.

Given [preconditions or context]
When [actions]
Then [results]

A user can develop the acceptance criteria in plain English using Gherkin syntax with quite limited keywords, while the developer can incorporate it into the testing framework, such as SpecFlow, Cucumber, Fit/FitNesse, and the like, to automate the testing and documentation work.
