CISSP Express

Step 1: Set your goal!

Step 2: Join online CISSP communities (optional)

Step 3: Buy books and register them for free online resources

  • Buy OSG and OPT on Amazon
  • Create an account on the Wiley Efficient Learning platform.
  • Register your books OSG and OPT to request the activation codes for free online access.
  • Activate OSG and OPT online practice questions using the activation codes.

Step 4: Subscribe to WPF to practice Wentz’s QOTD (highly recommended)

WUSON Practice Field (WPF) is a paid test engine that helps students prepare for the CISSP exam. All the questions of the WPF come from Wentz’s QOTDs, a FREE, proven, and reliable bank of CISSP practice questions authored by Wentz Wu.

Step 5: Get supplemental materials (optional)

The following books are authored by Wentz Wu.

Books and Test Engines
WUSON Practice Field (WPF), a test engine, comes with 800+ Wentz QOTDs. If you have subscribed to the WPF, you don’t have to buy the book, The Effective CISSP: Practice Questions.

Step 6: Start learning

Start and align your learning process with the CISSP Exam Outline! Build a solid conceptual model upon which you develop the cybersecurity body of knowledge. WUSON InfoSec Conceptual Model is the principal model taught in the WUSON Private School.

CISSP ExamPrep Courses in Taiwan
WUSON Private School delivers CISSP ExamPrep Courses in Mandarin in Taiwan.

Step 7: Focus and sustain your study

  • Install tomato apps (Android/iOS) to focus and sustain your study.

The Chinese Version of CISSP Express