Progressive Learning in Parallel

Progressive Learning in Parallel (like the right-hand side). That is, read each domain progressively and in parallel like the right-hand side of animation depicts. Most people tend to read domain by domain like the left-hand side.

  1. Build your own blueprint or conceptual model (e.g., Amicliens InfoSec Conceptual Model) in one week by skimming, browsing, speed-reading your study guide, mentoring, tutoring, training, or any other approaches available.
  2. Base your learning on the model and study topic by topic iteratively and progressively. This is the Agile way to increase knowledge (value) iteratively.
  3. After you have informed and enriched your conceptual model, it’s about time to read your study guide from cover to cover.
  4. Review the CISSP exam outline every day to ensure you are on the right track and measure your progress.
  5. Practice questions in Sudoku 365 (Wentz QOTD) until you understand the concepts behind each question and score higher than 80%. This approach is called test-driven.

Please read the CISSP Test-Driven Study Strategy for more.

並行漸進式學習(如上圖的右側動畫所示)。 也就是說,像動畫的右側所示那樣,逐步及並行地讀取每個知識領域。但大多數人傾向於像左側一樣一個領域一個領域地逐域閱讀。

  1. 通過快讀、瀏覽、速讀學習指南、指導、輔導、培訓或任何其他可用方法,在一周內建立自己的藍圖或概念模型(例如Amicliens InfoSec概念模型)。
  2. 依據這個模型來支持主題式學習,並逐步迭代地研究每一個主題。
  3. 在您了解並豐富了概念模型之後,才開始一頁一頁的詳細閱讀您的學習指南。
  4. 每天檢視CISSP考試大綱,以確保您的學習沒有失焦,以及衡量學習進度。
  5. 使用Sudoku 365(Wentz QOTD)題本中的練習題,直到您理解每個問題背後的概念並且得分高於80%。

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