How Good is Good Enough to Pass The CISSP Exam?


It’s common for CISSP aspirants to prepare the CISSP exam with the well-known study guides, either the official study guide from Sybex or the All-In-One CISSP Exam Guide from McGraw-Hill.

Some CISSP aspirants may study one or more of the study guides from cover to cover but still failed in the exam. It is because some topics are addressed inconsistently across those study guides and it’s not enough to prepare for this exam just by the book.

CISSP aspirants have to follow the study guides, solve the conflicting perspectives among the books or authors, and develop your own perspectives and justify them based on your study, research, and experience.

To pass the CISSP exam, you have to develop your capability to the second level – 破(Ha). Joining discussion groups and doing more quality practice questions help a lot.

My Facebook group, CISSP Made Easy, is founded to help you succeed in the CISSP exam for free. Join CISSP Made Easy to share and learn like a CISSP right now!

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